Better Know a Candidate

Still looking for that additional metric to Cast Your Vote with Confidence on or before Primary Day (3 September 2024) in the race for 18th Middlesex State Representative? Take a gander at Ballotpedia; they say that 1 in 2 Voters is expected to this year. Each of the three candidates had an opportunity to complete the Candidate Connection Survey to provide You, the Voter, with insights into our campaigns, political philosophy, and personality. Did we take it seriously; that's for you the Voter to decide...

For a short cut to our responses, go to:

I hear you asking already, "why the 26-year old photograph?" For those that scroll down to the 17th Question on the Survey... "Are you interested in running for a different political office in the future?" My answer makes reference to this picture from the 6th grade (minor spoiler: dreams change and evolve). I can't imagine anyone being so curious that they'd go scouring suburban Long Island to find a copy of this particular yearbook, so I'll volunteer the photo.

Food for Thought, here are some examples of other Survey Questions to whet your appetite...

  • Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign.

  • What characteristics or principles are you personally passionate about?

  • What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you a successful officeholder?

  • What legacy would you like to leave?

  • What is the first historical event that happened in your lifetime that you remember?

  • What was your first job?

  • What is your favorite book?

  • If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?

  • Is there a particular legislator, past or present, whom you want to model yourself after?

  • What committees interest you?

  • What are your views on financial transparency and government accountability?

Whether you are a Mail-In Ballot Voter, an Early Voter, or a Primary Day Voter (3 September 2024), I want you to Cast Your Vote with Confidence. Please VOTE.


Better Know a District


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