Latest News

Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Speeding on Westford Street

Speeding remains an ongoing issue along Westford Street. I met with Captain Desmarais of the Lowell Police Department to discuss locations for additional speed limit signage to improve enforcement.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Unofficial Results

I'd like to thank Rady Mom State Representative for his years of service to our Community, and to congratulate Rep-Elect Tara Hong on his election.

Also offering some closing thoughts on the Campaign, and thanks to those who supported it.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Primary Day (9/3/2024)

Today's the Day to Cast Your Vote with Confidence. Follow Rachel and I as we visit each of the six (6) Polling Locations of the 18th Middlesex District.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Environmental Statement

Originally posted to Facebook

A brief statement on the Environmental Impact of Campaigning, and how the Kollar Committee made a conscientious decision to reduce our Carbon Footprint on the Campaign Trail.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Planning to Vote

The Democratic Primary is 3 September 2024. All polling locations will be open from 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM. Take the time now to identify your Polling Location, and make a Plan to Vote. There are SIX (6) Polling Locations serving the 18th Middlesex District, and one (1) of those is physically located in the 17th Middlesex District.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

KhmerPost USA Article

KhmerPost USA Article by Soben Ung.

Candidates Tara Hong and Andrew Kollar respond to a series of questions about their Campaigns, Education, involvement in the Lowell Community, hobbies, and their thoughts on the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV-DTA).

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Debate 3 (of 3) - CBA Q&A

The final debate of this campaign season, and the only one with a Live Audience. Thank you Coalition for a Better Acre for hosting us at the August CHOP Dinner. Let's come together as a Community to turn around Voter Participation in our Democratic Primary. Let's push for 20% or Higher in 2024!

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Better Know a District

Originally posted to Facebook

How well do you know the 18th Middlesex District in MA? Amusingly, at one time or another, each of the candidates misspoke about these invisible boundary lines (present company included, and I'm not calling out either of the other's errors... pobody's nerfect). Here are five (5) interesting Quirks of the 18th Middlesex District.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Better Know a Candidate

Originally posted to Facebook

The Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey offers Voters insight into each Candidate's Campaign, Political Philosophy, and Personality. Well it does, for Candidates who think Voters value those things, and put in the work to respond thoughtfully. You be the judge of who is qualified to be State Representative in the 18th Middlesex.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

More Story to be Told

Originally posted to Facebook

What didn't make it into the Sun News article? Declining Voter Turnout in the 18th Middlesex since 2018, Voter Concerns with Candidate Choice, Details How the Kollar Campaign is working hard to turnaround Turnout trends.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Down to the Wire

The Sun News Article by Melanie Gilbert.

...In less than two weeks, Lowell voters will know which of the three Democratic candidates running for the 18th Middlesex District state representative seat — Rady Mom, Tara Hong or Andrew Kollar — will have their name on the November ballot...

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Debate 2 (of 3) - InsideLowell

Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors that live in this District. Encourage them to look at each Candidate and their credentials, and to vote for the most qualified person to represent them on Beacon Hill. Don't settle for less, or stay home again. Cast Your Vote with Confidence.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Debate 1 (of 3) - City Life

City Life hosted the first Debate for the three (3) candidates in the race for State Representative (18th Middlesex District). In case you missed the live broadcast, please give us a watch. The Debate begins at the 1:09:14 mark in the recording.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Thoughts on Partisan Politics

Originally posted to Facebook

Ruminations on how as much things change, some stay the same. When it comes to Politics, promoting unity is about moving the conversation back into a place of civility. Disagreement and debate are encouraged; mutual respect should be the prerequisite.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar


Originally posted to Facebook

Canvassing is about hard work, dedication, and caring about what your Constituents think. I’m not letting anything get in the way.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

The Census Matters

Originally posted to Facebook

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires each household to fill out an Annual Census (aka Street Listing). If you ever wondered what happens if you ignore the Notice when it comes in the mail, it may affect your ability to Vote. Here’s the details.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Join Me on ActiVote - See Where You Stand

Originally posted to Facebook

If you’ve ever wondered how your Political Ideology compares to prominent U.S. Politicians, explore ActiVote. I am pleased to report that I landed just Left-of-Center, exactly where I expected.

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Andrew Kollar Andrew Kollar

Real Talk About ADUs

Originally posted to Facebook

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have been a common debate here in Lowell for the last few years, and now play a role in Governor Healey’s Housing Bond Bill. What is an ADU? Why are they controversial? What does the Architect who wrote the Model Language in the 2024 International Zoning Code think about them?

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