Campaign Updates & Thanks - 5 May 2024

It's been an event-full couple of weeks as campaigning is getting into full swing. The latest milestones first:

  1. The most important first...I did a Podcast Interview - on 2 May 2024 with Teddy S. Panos of Inside Lowell. This was a lot of fun, and I'm encouraging anyone that hasn't seen it, to get eyes on it (especially if you, your friends, or your family live in Lowell's Highlands or Acre neighborhood...the 18th Middlesex District). There are some hard hitting questions, and I'm not one to shy away from telling it like it is or pulling punches. This isn't the 2022 Democratic Primary anymore, and I firmly believe that any Voter in my District that takes a few minutes to see what I bring to the table will realize that a better Candidate is Running in 2024. For more information please check out my website at (the only candidate's website in this Race available in Khmer, Portuguese, and Spanish because multilingual outreach matters in a diverse District).

  2. My Campaign Kickoff for Andrew Kollar event from 23 April 2024 went off, albeit not without a hitch. The caterers put the order in the wrong place, and last minute adjustments needed to be cobbled together to get food on the table before the scheduled start time. Probably best to not schedule on a Tuesday evening in the future (the same time as a City Council meeting). At least it was an enjoyable evening that facilitated longer, more personal conversations with those who were able to join me. Thanks again!

  3. I'm making Public Appearances everywhere I'm able. From the Coalition for A Better Acre's April CHOP Dinner to St Anthony Parish's 25 April Celebration of Portugal's Carnation Revolution to helping the Lowell Litter Krewe cleanup the Acre and on to the lighting of thew Swamp Locks Gatehouse by the Lowell Waterways Vitality Initiative, it's all about supporting the Community. This weekend was especially productive meeting with fellow Artists at Western Avenue Studios & Lofts. My position regarding the establishment of ethical guardrails pertaining to Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to protect the Intellectual Property Rights of Artists (a current blind spot in pending MA Legislation) is a conversation that needs to happen; Artists need a voice in Boston!

  4. Yard signs have been designed, ordered, and are currently being printed. Thanks Don Shortman; I'm looking forward to receiving these this week, and getting them out into the Community.

  5. After an unfortunate delayed response from the Massachusetts Democratic Party (no hard feelings), the gears are in motion to have my VoteBuilder software access put in place. This will be critical for streamlining and strategizing Voter Outreach in the Community over the next few months.

  6. Donations are coming in, and very much appreciated. If you believe in what I'm trying to do to bring Practical Politics to Lowell's 18th Middlesex District, please consider supporting the Campaign.

  7. I'd also like to thank Ben Martello for joining me for a coffee to share some insight in working with Lowell-area campaigns in previous election cycles.

In other news, there is an interesting development in my Race, as reported by InsideLowell on 1 May 2024 - . Another candidate decided to run as an Unenrolled candidate (an Independent) to bypass the Democratic Primary on 3 September 2024, but qualified that he plans to withdraw his candidacy if my other non-Incumbent opponent is successful in the Primary. The story gets stranger when said other candidate publicly stated he will not respect the outcome of the Democratic Primary if he is unsuccessful for a second time, and will in turn support the Independent's attempt at an end-run to avoid losing for a third time against the Incumbent. This story is one of desperation, and Lowell deserves better than candidates scheming rather than respecting the will of the Voters; it sure looks like a backroom deal that one or both of those candidates thought was a wise strategy to openly acknowledge. It's things like this that make people think negatively about politics / politicians, and it leads down the same road that makes people question Election Integrity. I've seen one local Elected Official comment on the matter, but am very curious if other local Democratic Party leaders, Elected Officials, or Candidates in other Races that may have rushed to an endorsement will denounce it. I certainly hope the intention isn't to try to sweep this under the rug; the status quo needs to go, but this isn't the "change" we need.

I noticed one candidate put out a Statement criticizing Mudslinging (which I assume is a veiled reference to either my Interview or Public Comments on the above matter since the Incumbent is largely silent, and he's already agreed to collude with the Independent) as well as a defense of his integrity. Here's my friendly advice:

  1. Demanding accountability and telling the truth to call attention to pronounced policy differences (like governing from the Center versus governing from the Far Left), isn't mudslinging... that's what Politics should be about; and,

  2. If you make a Public Statement, be prepared to own it and defend it rather than trying to deflect attention via damage control.

For those wondering about the image I selected for this post, it's a sign I bought from a Cracker Barrel in New Jersey 12(ish) years ago quoting Lily Tomlin: "The Road to Success is Always Under Construction." I've hung this in my home office ever since as a perpetual reminder to work hard, learn from the process, improve where I can, and to see my commitments through. For Myself, for my Family, for my Friends, for my Professional Colleagues, and for my Community. ...and yea, you better believe this will go up in the State House on Beacon Hill when I'm elected.


"Als Ik Kan" ("All I Can") and Maker's Marks


InsideView: State Rep Candidate Andrew Kollar