Debate 1 (of 3) - City Life

Today City Life" hosted the first Debate for the three (3) candidates in the race for State Representative (18th Middlesex District). In case you missed the live broadcast, please give us a watch. The Debate begins at the 1:09:14 mark in the recording.

My campaign is engineered to promote Voter Turnout in the Acre and Highlands neighborhoods. My goal is to see 20%+ Voter Engagement and Participation this year in the Democratic Primary on 3 September 2024; compared to the dismal low-water mark of 10% in 2022.

Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors that live in this District. Encourage them to look at each Candidate and their credentials, and to vote for the most qualified person to represent them on Beacon Hill. Don't settle for less, or stay home again. Cast Your Vote with Confidence.

Thank you again for hosting us John L McDonough, Clifford Krieger, and Eileen DelRossi.


Debate 2 (of 3) - InsideLowell


Thoughts on Partisan Politics