Environmental Statement

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not." ~The Lorax (Dr. Seuss)

I always liked that sentiment. Even referenced it once in my closing remarks during a debate back in college. Simply worded; powerfully stated, and in my opinion, deeply motivating.

Show You Care about Lowell's Future. Please Vote in the 3 September 2024 Democratic Primary!

Oh, and as a fellow moustachioed do-gooder, I thought it would be worthwhile to offer a brief statement on the Environmental Impact of Campaigning. Political mailers are important, but having time sensitive information, they are ultimately destined for the recycling bin. Combine what the average household receives in an election season, and there's a substantial carbon footprint associated with printing, mailing, delivery, etc. We've had a great rapport working with our Union Printer Don Shortman (and I have zero reservations about recommending him), but we really wanted to explore alternative means to reach Voters that could reduce our Environmental Impact.

The Kollar Committee sent out a lot of text messages over the last few days encouraging Voters in the 18th Middlesex District to learn more about the Candidates, make an informed choice, and to Vote in this election. We found this powerful (and interactive) communication approach effective, reduced Campaign expenditures, and in some small way saved a few trees. Win, Win, Win!


Primary Day (9/3/2024)


Planning to Vote