Campaign Updates & Thanks

Welcome to the first installment of a new weekly routine. There's a lot of moving parts in organizing a political campaign, and I think it's important to 1) acknowledge the people who are graciously sharing time to meet with me, and 2) keep the Community apprised of the latest happenings (that aren't necessarily highlighted in other posts). This initial post will be a little longer since my FB didn't exist before a week ago.

-The first step to getting on the ballot (after pulling Nomination Papers) is collecting 150 signatures from Registered Voters in the District. Over the last few weeks, and with support from some friends, I dropped off 168 signatures to Lowell's Election Commission for verification on 4/3. Since it's always good to have a buffer, I have a few additional pages floating around the neighborhood that I'll collect this upcoming week.

-The Campaign Website is making excellent progress. Barring the unforseen, that should launch later this week.

-My Campaign Kickoff Event is scheduled for Tuesday 4/23, 6pm-8pm(ish) at the Taffeta Music Hall (inside Western Avenue Studios & Lofts). All are welcome.

-Thank you to everyone who opened their door to me while I've been canvassing the neighborhood.

-Thank you to my friends and family, whether your words were of encouragement, caution, or kindly advice, the sentiments are received with appreciation.

-Thank you Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) for inviting me to the 3/30 Meeting to introduce the campaign to your members.

-Thank you Danielle McFadden, President and CEO of the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce. It was great catching up, and I'm excited to get back to meeting with my fellow local Business Owners on a regular basis.

-Thank you to the Officers of the Lowell Police Department (Official) that were willing to take a few minutes during their breakfast to chat with me about their concerns regarding Public Safety in our City.

-Thank you Don Shortman, PrintSource. I look forward to working with you on the campaign's printing needs. As I write this, Joe Glazer's "Look for the Union Label" is playing in my head.

-Thank you Yun-Ju Choi, Executive Director of the Coalition for A Better Acre. I enjoyed our conversation about Affordable Housing, and your ongoing work in the Acre neighborhood.

-Thank you Ryan Faria , Member of the Lowell Highlands Neighborhood Association. I found our conversation highly productive, and will start planning to attend LHNA meetings going forward (when they don't conflict with anniversary plans like this upcoming week).

-Thank you Tara Hong . We may be running against each other in this State Rep race, but the one goal we share is bringing better representation to every constituent of the 18th Middlesex District.

-Thank you Soben Ung , Co-Founder, Editor, and Publisher of the KhmerPostUSA. It was wonderful catching up, and I look forward to sitting down with you again soon. It's important to me that this campaign extends voting resources to our local Cambodian Community whenever possible.

-Thank you Teddy S. Panos , Founder and President of Inside Lowell. I appreciate you posting the first article about the campaign announcement, and am eager to come in to chat in further detail.


HCID Development - Proceed with Caution


18th Now a 3-Way Race