It's About the Cause; NOT the Credit

Service to one's Community is about the Public Good. Period. Full stop...

For many years I've cultivated a limited Social Media presence, and rarely seen a need for self promotion. I'll attribute that to lessons learned from my father Andrew Kollar as a child that encouraged humility over arrogance. Even with Committee work where I'm in a leadership role on a project, I've never shied away from sharing credit with colleagues because our voices carry better together. Achieving positive results is what matters.

Since announcing my candidacy for State Representative of the 18th Middlesex District, I've been encouraged to post on Social Media often, especially with scenes where I'm attending local events, and engaging with the Community. Here's the thing, attendance at Community events is nothing new to me; before the Pandemic and having kids, Rachel Kollar and I could regularly be found at many of these. It's not hard to recognize me either; I'll likely have the biggest moustache in the room, and probably the only one in a handlebar style. The pictures we take memorialize the people and causes we come out to celebrate / support. I believe in keeping the attention on what's important.

This week saw multiple occasions where we were out about town, and doing the right thing only feels right in the absence of seeking credit.

-Following my Campaign Kickoff on Tuesday evening we dropped off the remaining food from the catering order at the Lowell Transitional Living Center, Inc.; not because I want praise for the act. I'd rather see it go to people that need it than going to waste. I mention it here, again not for praise, but in the hopes that others in the Community who find themselves in a similar scenario might think to make a similar donation.

-Today we joined the Lowell Litter Krewe and Coalition for A Better Acre in their neighborhood cleanup of The Acre. It was great talking to Brad Buitenhuys and State Representative of the 17th Middlesex District Vanna Howard, and it's awesome seeing so many people working toward the betterment of our Community. I don't begrudge anyone posting selfies from the event, but I'm content simply exhibiting the symbols of a few hours of Community-oriented manual labor: a bucket full of trash, the remains of a sign post discarded in the bushes, and a hand extension grabber (which BTW is so much better to use than the nail on a stick tool we've used in the past).

I am running for Public Office to be a Public Servant because I believe in the Public Good. If someone casually snaps a candid photograph of me at an event, and wants to tag me in it, great. I'll continue posting images that highlight the people and causes that are important.

I think Hemingway had the right idea, "You must be prepared to work always without applause."


InsideView: State Rep Candidate Andrew Kollar


Campaign Updates & Thanks - 21 April 2024