Campaign Updates & Thanks - 21 April 2024

All signs point to this being either a weekly or biweekly exercise depending on current events. In this case, with six (6) days last week spent in Newport, RI on a 14th Anniversary vacation with the family, it made sense to take a few days to get back into the swing of campaign activities alongside catching up on my architectural responsibilities.

Two (2) Major Milestones to report, both from 17 April 2024:

  • I am officially on the Ballot for the Democratic Primary on 3 September 2024. All signatures were verified by the Lowell Elections Office and accepted at the Secretary of State’s Elections Division. My Statement of Financial Interests (SFI) is on file with the State Ethics Commission. Thank you to everyone in each of those offices that assisted me.

  • My Campaign Website is live. To my Friends, Family, and Supporters that have explored it, let me know what you think. I put a lot of work into that, and I’m proud of the results, but I’m always receptive to constructive feedback. To those in my District (Lowell’s Acre and Highlands Neighborhoods), check it out. Learn about my background, my platform, and the vision I have for Lowell and the Commonwealth. I think you’ll find There’s a Lot to Like, and my Constituent’s Bill of Rights will be particularly of interest. This year is shaping up to be a very different race than the Primary of 2022; do your homework, and see for yourself why my candidacy about "Practical Politics for a Sustainable Future" will deliver better representation through proven, trusted experience as a Community Leader.

Special thanks to Andrea Dubé for your support in making this project a reality.

In other news, we’ve printed the first (1,000) 4x9 palm cards (2-sided flyers). Thank you Don Shortman for the quick turnaround, and the great quality. We’ve started handing some of these out, and hopefully we’ll distribute plenty more this upcoming Tuesday evening because…

On 23 April 2024 from 6pm to 8pm we are having the Official Campaign Kickoff for Andrew Kollar at Taffeta Music Hall (next to Western Avenue Studios & Lofts). All are welcome to join us, mingle, and get to know more about the campaign ahead. We’ll have light refreshments, and the venue has a cash bar.

I’ll also be in attendance at this week’s Coalition for A Better Acre CHOP Dinner on Wednesday 24 April 2024 from 5:30pm to 7pm at the Lowell Senior Center. If you can’t make it to the Tuesday event, come say hello the next day.

To my friends in the Cambodian Community, I say again, Happy Khmer New Year (រីករាយ​ឆ្នាំ​ថ្មី). My family had a wonderful time celebrating with you yesterday at the Senior Center and Pailin Park.

I’d like to thank former City Councilor John Drinkwater and State Representative of the 16th Middlesex District Rodney M. Elliott for our candid conversations regarding their experience running for local office. You’ve both set exceptional examples of Public Service to Lowell. I was also proud to stand with Mayor Daniel P. Rourke and the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters & Carpenters Local Union 339 to demand action on Wage Theft and Payroll Tax Fraud.


It's About the Cause; NOT the Credit


HCID Development - Proceed with Caution