Join Me on ActiVote - See Where You Stand

I discovered ActiVote a few days ago, and thought it was a neat platform for promoting civic engagement. It basically asks you a bunch of multiple choice questions on a variety of issues, with a reasonable spectrum of positions to pick from. Once it has enough to establish a baseline, it'll plot you on a map alongside prominent US political figures. Mine for example places me just Left of Center (as I describe myself anyways... right on brand). There's also a bunch of additional questions available depending how much someone wants to dig in.

The website features an Election Tracker to keep users apprised of who is running, when elections are scheduled, and for noting who you want to vote for. There's a cheat sheet for quickly identifying your Elected Officials (White House, Congressional Officials, State Officials, Local Officials, etc). There's even a short 4-question daily quiz if you like games. Check it out. Let me know if you find it entertaining / promising / worth your time.


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