The Census Matters

Have you or someone in your household completed the 2024 Annual Street Listing form that mailed out last week from the City of Lowell? Don't cast it aside; it's actually pretty important, and supposed to be returned within 10 Days.

  • What is it? The Annual Census is required by M.G.L. Ch. 51 § 4. It records the Names of each individual living in your household, their Date of Birth, their Occupation (not Employer), their Nationality (if not a U.S. Citizen), their status as a U.S. Veteran, a Previous Address for those that moved in the last year, and their enrollment with a Political Party. The current version of the form does not include Gender identification though that is still listed on Lowell's Election and Census website.

  • Does it need to be mailed back if nothing has changed? YES!

  • Does it need to be mailed back if one is not a Registered Voter? YES! Per the website above, "many public benefits require proof of residency, which the Election Commission office can provide for any resident who has been counted in the Census."

  • What happens if the Census is not mailed back? The WARNING on the back reads, "Failure to respond to this mailing shall result in removal from the active voting list and may result in removal from the voter registration rolls." In the eyes of the Commonwealth, this shifts someone to INACTIVE VOTER status.

  • How does one restore ACTIVE VOTER status after becoming Inactive? Per Lowell's Elections & Census website there are a few ways. "Voters who are made inactive are immediately sent confirmation cards, which the voter can send back to be reinstated as active or to report an address change. Voters can also be reinstated to the active voting list by either voting in an election or signing a petition or nomination paper. When inactive voters arrive at the polling place, they will be asked to show identification and will need to fill out an Affirmation of Current and Continuous Residence. After the election, they will be reinstated to the active voting list."

  • What about removal from the Voter Registration Rolls? The aforementioned website clarifies that this action happens "if a voter remains inactive for two federal election cycles, which means that he or she did not answer the census or vote for four years..."

  • Why don't the Instructions mention anything about changes to Political Party Enrollment? The Census is neither the place to Register to Vote, nor the place to make updates to a Registered Voter's Name, Address, or Party. For each of those items, please go to the Secretary of the Commonwealth's Elections Division website.


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