Campaign Updates & Thanks - 19 May 2024

This has been an interesting weekend for reflection in many ways... I'll circle back to that at the end, including my choice for this particular image. I'm going to try structuring this post a little differently than previous versions; let me know if it works better. I think it will.

Upcoming Events & Appearances

Don't be shy, if you see me, come say hello. I'll (probably) be the only person with the handlebar moustache in attendance so I'm easy to recognize. Better yet, let me know what issues are top-of-mind in your world; those are important conversations.

Campaign Milestones

The wheels of progress keep on spinning.

  • Yard signs are on hand, and in stock (thanks again Don Shortman). Curious what Lowell's future looks like... this is YOUR sign. Demand better than the Status Quo. Accept NO Substitutions.

  • The MA Democratic Party came through, and my Campaign officially has access to VoteBuilder. This is an incredible resource for structuring campaign outreach activity, and I have engaged the best mind for helping me unlock its full potential.

Coming later this week, I anticipate three (3) major announcements:

  1. Our next official Candidate Meet and Greet event in June.

  2. A Campaign Volunteer Training Program - if anyone is interested in joining my team to bring Practical Politics to the MA Legislature on behalf of Lowell, or if you have friends / adult-aged children interested in a future in politics, let us know so that we can get you / them some hands on experience this summer. For some that's canvassing / knocking on doors, others may prefer phone banking, and others still might want to write "Dear Friend" cards.

  3. I'm going to start offering unofficial Office Hours throughout the summer for an hour or two each week. I may not be the State Representative of the 18th Middlesex (yet), but let's show the Incumbent that Constituent Services matter. I've got a Constituent's Bill of Rights posted to my website <> ; that template is my gift to any politician (Incumbent or Aspiring) that needs a guiding hand.

For those interested in other Recent Events... In my personal world, I donated blood to the American Red Cross of Massachusetts (and encourage others to follow that example), and got a clean bill of health on my yearly Physical. Locally I've been networking with the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce, attending the City of Lowell's Municipal Budget Community Listening Session, and engaging at the The Lowell Highlands Neighborhood Association Meeting. (And yes, running Fused Studios, my architectural firm, full-time.)

Heartfelt thanks to MA State Senator Edward Kennedy, Elect Karen Cassella for Register of Deeds, and Lowell School Committee Member Dominik Lay. Whether meeting up for coffee, or chatting at a fundraiser, there's no greater joy than sharing our thoughts for the future of a City we all love. That goes for every individual that's taken a few minutes to share with me the issues that matter to them regardless of whether they live in my district, or are even eligible to vote for me. The State Representative office may technically encompass Lowell's Highlands and Acre neighborhoods, but the reality is that the job affects the Commonwealth collectively. A State Representative needs to care without absolute regard to quasi-arbitrary invisible lines.

Ok, I've buried the lede long enough on the religious themed photograph; I was originally going to title this post, "Opening Doors and Opening Hearts." Yesterday was Doors Open Lowell (ODL), one of my favorite events our City offers. It's an opportunity to celebrate architecture, preservation, history, culture, and people. It's a brilliant means to encourage community engagement, and it lets non-Architects see the world through my eyes (as an Architect) for a few hours. It's magical when one can become invested in placemaking; the act of encouraging Community. Alas, we all know what they say about the best laid plans of "mice and men." I missed ODL this year because it was more important to be at the Congregational Church of Littleton for a Memorial Service honoring a member of my wife, Rachel Kollar's family. We spent a few hours celebrating a life, finding strength through family and community, and we bore witness to those closest to Stanley Thomas Ledder, Jr. preserving his memory. Sometimes it's hard work that opens doors; sometimes it's the people who care. Today, we were excited to worship with Saint Anne's Episcopal Church in their 200th Anniversary celebration, and that offered further time for reflection on putting forth good into one's Community. So yea, the picture can be a celebration of Christianity if that works for you, but I'm equally excited at the celebration of artistic talent that crafted this stained glass window over the CCoL altar. Nothing makes me happier than seeing someone appreciate thoughtful detailing and craftsmanship in the built environment.


Campaign Updates - 10 June 2024


"Als Ik Kan" ("All I Can") and Maker's Marks