Campaign Updates - 10 June 2024

Little bit of an abbreviated version today as we're on the road back from our family gatherings in New York and New Jersey. The Campaign Trail is going great! Canvassing the Community the last few weeks is like an adrenaline rush, and that's on the agenda all summer long [I'm pretty excited if you can't tell.] Understandably many Voters are just starting to think about the Democratic Primary Election on 3 September 2024, but here's the Big Takeaways so far:

  1. Voters are appreciative of (and some even ravenous for) candidate information. An educated, informed, and engaged populace is a good thing. I trust that every Voter who does their homework this Primary season, will make the right decision;

  2. My Campaign message is resonating. Voters recognize the Status Quo isn't working, and that Experience Matters. Elections are like job interviews; they empower Voters to choose the most qualified person to represent them;

  3. Some in the Community have expressed frustration that another campaign's supporters may be misleading Voters to think this year is a 2-person race, or in any way a repeat of the 2022 Primary. It's not! My Campaign is happy to correct those misrepresentations, and provide our Community with the facts. This is a 3-person race with a potential Independent waiting in the wings, who may or may not run depending on the Primary outcome. All the candidates are Democrats, albeit each very different. I've been very clear with my Canvassing Team that when they are knocking on doors / representing my Campaign in conversations with our Neighbors, they are free to express their personal opinions and observations about this race, provided that they are honest about the details.

Upcoming Events & Appearances

A quick thank you to Don Shortman for the incredibly fast turnaround on printing more campaign literature. You're the man!

We've got a few irons in the fire right now for expanding outreach; more details coming soon.

If anyone is interested in joining my Team to bring Practical Politics to the MA Legislature on behalf of Lowell, or if you have friends / adult-aged children interested in a future in politics, let us know so that we can get you / them some hands on experience this summer.


Candidate Forum - Lowell Highlands Neighborhood Association


Campaign Updates & Thanks - 19 May 2024