Candidate Forum - Lowell Highlands Neighborhood Association

For those that missed the Candidate Forum at the The Lowell Highlands Neighborhood Association meeting earlier this week, here's a short snippet.

Thanks again Ryan Faria , Nancy Judge , and Donald Denomme for the invitation. Great job moderating Ryan; I found your questions fair, and a good metric for contrasting the three (3) candidates in both our Race for State Representative (18th Middlesex), and those running for Register of Deeds (Middlesex North).

  • This Clip: Response to a question regarding how an Elected Official balances their time and consideration for Constituents, Special Interest Groups, Labor Unions, PACs, etc. What does one do with the plethora of strong voices coming from both within and beyond our District?

Public Service is a privilege. I am committed to my Constituent's Bill of Rights and ensuring that if somebody wants to have a conversation, they have my attention. As an Architect, I'm well accustomed to negotiating compromise among competing interests (how often does a Property Owner, a Building Official, the Engineers, and the Contractors, all agree?). Good ideas can come from either side of the political aisle; an Elected Official must be able to recognize that, and act accordingly. Sometimes that means saying "No" or "Not at this Time," particularly when we need a viable pathway to pay for these good ideas.

We don't need more Politicians that are pawns, puppets, or pushovers. We need Practical Politics, and a Politician with Something to Say.

Thanks Rachel Kollar for simultaneously playing the role of impromptu videographer while wrangling / entertaining our 2-year old and 7 month old.

Stay tuned to my Facebook and Campaign Website for Announcements about similar events / debates that will be scheduled later this summer. And of course, remember to VOTE on 3 September 2024.


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