
I don't mind knocking on doors even if the temperature is north of 90°F, but I could do without stepping on a nail in the process. This little guy snuck up on me while traversing a gravel driveway; penetrating through the sole of my shoe, and directly into my foot.

  • Is it going to stop me? NO.

After today will I be switching to my pair of Indestructible Shoes which I typically reserve for construction sites? YES, probably. Those are shock resistant, steel toed, have an anti-puncture steel midsole... basically all the safety components.

Back to canvassing... Soldiering on...

  • UPDATE - My family and friends are wonderful. I find myself being asked if I am up to date on my TDAP (tetanus) shot. YES! That was a requirement when Rachel and I became parents (both times), so I am safe on that front. Thank you all for your concern.


Thoughts on Partisan Politics


Constituent Services: It's All About Communication