Constituent Services: It's All About Communication

The cornerstone of my Campaign for MA State Representative of the 18th Middlesex District is the Constituent's Bill of Rights. If I sound like a broken record advocating on this subject of Constituent Services... tough. The record of our 10-year incumbent is about as broken as it gets, and it's time we started playing a new tune. Maybe something folks haven't been hearing recently.

Anyone can say they'll do something in the future, but I'm not waiting for 1 January 2025 to start fulfilling this Promise. [Fun Fact: According to Ballotpedia, "Massachusetts legislators assume office the first Wednesday in January after the election".] I started on 5 June 2024, and ever since, have held Unofficial Office Hours at the Nibbāna Cafe (122 Western Avenue, Lowell) each Wednesday from 12pm - 1pm. [Insider Tip: If you miss me there, it is very likely I will head over to Big Poke (96 Merrimack Street, Lowell) for a SPAM musubi lunch afterward.] This will continue through the summer until 28 August 2024. After the 3 September 2024 Democratic Primary we can rebrand it to Rep-Elect Hours, and then to Official Hours in the New Year. That's a Resolution you can take to the bank.

As a Small Business Owner, Customer Relations is an essential part of the day job, and increasingly the line between my Architectural conversations is blending with my Political conversations. Let's take this past Wednesday for example, as three (3) people reached out to me during Office Hours in different ways:

  1. Via Telephone: I received a call from an enthusiastic soon-to-be Constituent, interested in discussing all things campaign related. He was eager to share frustrations with Candidate Choice in prior elections for this Office, and concerns about current events playing out in our Community. He expressed a sense of relief upon learning about my Platform first from a colleague, then from literature we delivered, and finally via the website. He's not the first to tell me he finds the Campaign message, "refreshing." Where this was a fun, light conversation, I've received others recently where a Voter just discovered me, maybe through Facebook or a Radio Interview, and wants to get my opinion on an Issue.

  2. Via Text Message: A few minutes later I get a message from a Former Client; technically one who lives and works just outside my District, but close enough. He wants to discuss the prospects of Building Relocation as an option to mitigate concerns with a growing homeless population in the area adjoining the property. While I've had some experience with Building Elevation on Long Island and the Jersey Shore after Superstorm Sandy (2012), Building Relocation doesn't come up very often. My architectural firm, Fused Studios, considered putting in a bid for this type of work happening at Pioneer Village in Salem, MA a few years back, but ultimately we opted not to go forward due to too many variables in play. The benefit of that though, meant I read "Moving a House with Preservation in Mind" by Peter Paravalos, and was immediately prepared to connect my Former Client with companies that specialize in this work. Also a good opportunity to chat about strategies Lowell might consider in addressing the unhoused population. I have some notes on the Issues page.

  3. In-Person: Toward the end of this week's Office Hours, I had the pleasant surprise of a fellow Architect joining me to chat. She lives outside of the 18th Middlesex (shucks), but no bother, a State Representative's work affects the Commonwealth at large, and her concerns are equally valid in my eyes. We covered a lot of ground in 15 minutes: Fiscal responsibility, the high cost of living in Massachusetts, investment in Infrastructure and Housing, and briefly on the Environment. In a nutshell, grounded, policy-oriented "Practical Politics for a Sustainable Future."

On a tangential note, the Constituent Services I'm delivering today are not exclusively limited to these Unofficial Office Hours.

  • If you see me walking around your part of the neighborhood, come over and let me know what's on your mind. (I'm that dapper fellow with the handlebar moustache.)

  • Feel free to drop me an e-mail and let me know if you like the new tune I'm playing for our Community. Even if it's not your traditional beat, I appreciate constructive criticism, and you are welcome to share those thoughts as well.

  • If you want to meet up at another time or venue, drop me a line, and let's see when our schedules align.

Oh, and you were wondering about the photograph with this post? My canvassing team has been knocking doors and ringing doorbells throughout Lowell's Highlands and Acre neighborhoods. We're making great progress, enjoying the repartee, and making sure Voters have the facts about this year's Democratic Primary on 3 September 2024 (it helps having Clients that live all around the District who can provide feedback when canvassers from other campaigns seemingly are providing misinformation). We also really appreciate notes like this that communicate how we can best get a homeowner's attention. If anyone is looking for a career in door-to-door doorbell sales, there are a lot in this Community that are either visibly broken, missing, or don't seem to make any audible sound. Remember, it's all about Communication.




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